Dream Day on Cape Cod is a Non-Profit Organization Based in Brewster, Massachusetts, dedicated to bringing respite into the lives of children with serious and/or life-threatening illnesses and their families.
For 31 years, Dream Day has helped hundreds of these families disconnect from the daily struggles of hospital and doctors’ visits and round-the clock care to reconnect with one another and to connect with others who understand and accept what they have been going through at its Camp Nan-Ke-Rafe, a 31-acre facility located adjacent to Nickerson State Park.
Each summer we operate eight sessions of family camp – bringing families together for a week of fun, family, and respite. Our hope is that families have the chance to create loving, lasting memories that transcend illness and struggle.
We also host off-season family events, including an annual Holiday Weekend in December.
All of our programs are at no cost to the family.